Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 16 and going good....

Great workout yesterday with you ladies. Thanks Corry - you make it look so easy and relaxing!
Haven't really got any strange cravings -I never added much salt to food anyway ( due to my over zealous ,natural food loving mother I think). I feel much better physically for not eating all the sweet goo which I did enjoy. Actually I don't even miss my chocolate any more. I found my secret stash last night - so secret , I'd forgotten where it was! Gave it all to my very grateful children. We all had such a healthy dinner, finished off with a delicious fruit salad,made with many mysterious ingredients. I think they felt they deserved some junk.
 Darren is impressed by my will power - his is  -well zero I guess. He has just left to take part in some charity run in Tokyo mind you, so he needed that extra big breakfast!
Off to play tennis , while the sun still shines.


Corry said...

You are just cruising along Jane, and your positive energy is so motivating for me too! Love how your family is also 'on project' with you, that really was one of the best unforeseen bonuses for me. So many good habits that we as a family have now just from my choice to do the PCP. Cool!

Amy said...

Question - do all the PCP mamas do the workout at the yoga studio together every day?

Corry said...

Hey Amy, good to 'see' you again. Nope, we meet Monday morning to work out and get the weekly diets and then the rest of the week everyone is doing their thing from home. It's a nice way to start the new week for sure. Esp. now that everyone is in their routines.