Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 53

Well - a difficult PCP week with kids at home and trips out and about. This W/end will be interesting - we are off to Shimoda to stay with friends who LOVE their food & drink. At least I will be able to work out on the beach.
Have at last managed to get the V- sits, now have to contend with those Kung-fu things.  I managed 2 ..... then had to do some other abs ( more v-sits!) Maybe in 2-3 weeks they will suddenly click?????
Had a hair cut today , so I think that will be my only weight loss this week!


maki said...

Oooh, I may have to go cut my hair too! :) Have a lovely weekend in Shimoda - sounds like fun and the weather seems to be on your side too!

Patrick said...

Kung Fu sit-ups are impossible at first, you're asking your body to do something it has never done once in its entire life.

Keep at it though and your body will get with the program and learn how to complete the action.