Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Give me cake!

Oh no- it's late again. I can't seem to get to bed early. Darren's not home ( some financial crisis going on ), dog's at my feet after enjoying his egg yolks. Just spent 1 1/2 hours talking to my sister who is about to give birth. It was so funny listening to all her gripes and groans.She was on the couch, with major back ache, eating a piece of cake - which by the way is what I should be doing.
Missed Corry's class this morning because  I was at a class coffee morning & didn't realise how time flies when you're having a good chat.Anyhow, it was good fun, and the cakes looked wonderful, but I'd just eaten my huge breakfast, so wasn't tempted.
Just figured out how to add pictures! This is my lovely Oliver winning the cross country race yesterday  - He's so proud of himself.


Patrick said...

Nice job Oliver! Jane, if you don't eat that cake soon we'll already be at our second indulgence and you'll have to eat a whole pie!

Corry said...

Eat that cake woman!!!! Oh and a big hug for Oli too!!! Congrats!