Wed. morning, and my throat is raw from all the screaming on Thunder Mountain, and my legs ache from all the queuing. I'm a big wuss when it comes to roller coasters. I can't believe I actually spent 12 whole hours with 4 kids at Disney. Normally I would have lost the plot after 2! It actually turned out to be a great day, though the food on offer was definitely not PCP quality. I watched as everyone devoured greasy slabs of pizza, and made do with a very sad salad with no dressing, and some soggy pasta. I find myself being VERY critical of what everyone is putting in their mouths - a bit like an ex smoker harping on at those who choose to continue the filthy habit!
I had taken fruit for the kids yesterday, but only managed to get my own to eat it. They have come to realize that Mummy is not to be messed with when it comes to junk food.
Ahh - sun is shining, the kids had a fantastic day yesterday, everyone's happy, so today must be a good food day for the whole family I think.
I 'm finding the new timed jumping much easier. I'm doing a lot more jumps, with no problem, and I don't have to count - just set the timer and sing along to the music!